California Equine Moving Laws

Moving horses is not as simple as loading them into a trailer and taking them to a new location. All states have laws and regulations regarding horse transport and California is no exception. Before you move a horse in California, it is important to know what paperwork you will need in order to haul. At best you can be sent back to your farm without getting to your destination, at worst, there can be fines, tickets and even jail time.
  1. Health Inspection

    • Any horse being hauled in California, whether in-state or out-of-state, needs a current health Inspection that has been issued in the last 30 days by a licensed veterinarian. This document verifies that the horse has been inspected for contagious diseases and is healthy and sound for travel. An original document must be produced--copies are not acceptable.

    Negative Coggins

    • Equine Infectious Anemia is a terminal illness for which there is no cure. If an animal tests positive for this disease, it faces euthanasia or lifelong quarantine. The test used to determine if an animal carries this disease is called the Coggins test. A blood sample is pulled and the tests run. A negative original copy of the Coggins test (issued in the last six months) is required for every animal traveling in California.

    Bill of Sale/Brand Inspection

    • You must also have a bill of sale or a current brand inspection issued by a certified brand inspector when traveling with any horse in the State of California. These papers must accompany the horse at all times and be original documents, not copies. An entry permit is also required for horses that are coming into California from outside the state.