Western spurs are used by horsemen to aid in performing complex maneuvers. Specially designed handcrafted spurs are just as likely to be found in a museum as they are on the heels of a hardworking cowboy. Flashy horse gear is a staple in the horse show ring, and riders commonly pay top dollar for custom-made pieces.
Handcrafted high-dollar western tack is as much about style and quality as it is about function and comfort. Gearmakers who specialize in custom tack can command top dollar for their unique creations.
Style and Function
Style and design are a major part of western spur and tack making. If the piece lacks function, it is useless, regardless of how attractive it is. If the piece is unattractive, it is unlikely to command an audience in the highly competitive western tack market.
Western Spur & Tack Making
Western-style gear combines attractive and stylish designs with precision equipment. The beautiful craftsmanship used by professional western gearmakers serves both purpose and function. Professional-quality equipment can bring hefty price tags, as can uniquely crafted and designed pieces of tack.