Horse Transportation Regulations

Hauling horses can be nerve wracking. Just preparing horses for a trip is a chore, and then loading them into the trailer is often scary and dangerous for everyone involved. One thing needed before heading the horse for the trailer is make sure all the travel papers are ready.
  1. Coggins

    • A negative Coggins test is an absolute must before taking a horse anywhere. This test can only be done by professional veterinarians and needs to be done a week before the trip. The Coggins papers should be no more than six months old if you plan on hauling a horse out of state.

    Health Papers

    • Another set of papers that are a necessity are health papers from a veterinarian's office. This is a physical inspection and description done by the vet to let anyone who might check know that this animal has been cleared for travel and is not carrying an obvious disease or illness. These are needed to be current with the Coggins test.


    • It is important to contact the Agricultural office of wherever you are hauling to, as each state/country has specific criteria that is necessary to adhere to in order to be allowed entry. If exporting to a different country, quarantine could be involved, along with a battery of tests to show the horse is not a carrier of any forbidden disease.