Equine Massage Therapy Schools

Those wishing to pursue a career in equine massage therapy can learn from a variety of schools. Most training courses for this career path are relatively short. Students in equine massage therapy programs study anatomy, physiology, business practices, hands-on massage, and more. Graduates of such programs can go on to manage their own businesses and work with individual horse owners or with veterinarians.
  1. D'Arcy Lane School of Equine Massage

    • The D'Arcy Lane School of Equine Massage is in London, Ontario. The two-year, 2,200-hour program is an intensive learning experience. Classes are held on Monday through Wednesday, offering students a four-day weekend to study or work a part-time job. Applicants must be high school graduates or pass a qualifying test.

      D'Arcy Lane School of Equine Massage
      627 Maitland St
      London, Ontario N5Y 2V7


    • Equissage is located in the northern Virginia town of Round Hill, just 45 minutes from Washington D.C. The Equissage Certificate Program in Equine Massage Therapy has certified nearly 8,000 students since the program started nearly 20 years ago. In addition to on-site training, a home-study course is available. The school also offers certification in canine massage, which is also available as a home-study program. The Equine Massage Therapy on-site certification is one week of intensive classroom study and practical training. Class numbers are limited to ensure that each student receives adequate assistance.

      PO Box 447
      Round Hill, VA 20142

    Animal Dynamics' Equine Sports Massage Therapy

    • The Equine Sports Massage program from Animal Dynamics is a ten-day course held in Reddick, Florida. The curriculum is broken down into foundation classes and advanced, continuing education courses. The foundation classes teach students the basics. Several course dates are available throughout the year. Continuing education classes focus on topics such as acupressure and saddle fitting. The courses are offered at varying times throughout the year.

      Animal Dynamics
      9791 NW 160th St
      Reddick, FL 32686

    Prairie Winds Equine Massage Therapy College

    • Prairie Winds Equine Massage Therapy College teaches courses in its Art of Equine Massage programs. The majority of classes are offered in Fort Collins, Colorado, with winter programs in Florida. The college offers six-day intensive programs called Essentials Clinics. The coursework teaches the basic principles and techniques of equine massage. Advanced clinics are available for students to continue their education. Intensive programs are also offered on more specific and complex subjects.

      Prairie Winds Equine Massage College
      420 S Howe St, Ste 102
      Fort Collins, CO 80521