Riding Instruction
Young rider on a pony Vocational programs focused on riding instruction are offered in a variety of disciplines including dressage, western and jumping. Skills taught in these programs include communicating with your students, how to choose school horses, barn safety, setting appropriate riding goals and preparing for horse shows. Central Wyoming College in Riverton, Wyoming and Meredith Manor International Equestrian Centre in Waverly, West Virginia, offer riding instruction certification programs.
Central Wyoming College
2660 Peck Avenue
Riverton, WY 82501
(307) 855-2000
(800) 735-8418
cwc.eduMeredith Manor International Equestrian Centre
147 Saddle Lane
Waverly, WV 26184
(800) 679-2603
Equine Massage
The industry of equine massage is growing in popularity among horse owners and aspiring equine professionals. Instruction in anatomy, horsemanship, hoof care, nutrition and marketing will help prepare you for a career as an equine massage therapist. Geary Whiting's Equine Massage School in Big Sur, California and Equissage in Round Hill, Virginia are among the programs offering certifications in this field.
Geary Whiting's Equine Massage School
Box 1836
Big Sur, CA 93920
(530) 410-5270
P.O. Box 447
Round Hill, VA 20142
1 (800) 843-0224
Farrier Programs
A farrier shapes a horse shoe. Horseshoeing is an honored tradition that requires very specific skills and intense training. Almost every horse enthusiast will seek the services of a skilled farrier at one time or another. Horse hooves grow like human fingernails and require trimming, shaping and sometimes shoeing. Instruction includes identifying causes of lameness, hoof health and maintenance, horse shoe forging and anatomy. Northwest College in Powell, Wyoming and Mission Farrier School in Snohomish, Washington both offer certification programs in horseshoeing.
Northwest College
231 W. 6th St.
Powell, WY 82435
(800) 560-4NWC
NorthwestCollege.orgMission Farrier School
17028 Trombley Rd.
Snohomish, WA 98290
(360) 862-1406
Equine Business Management
While many people enter the equine industry because they love horses, it is still a business. Many programs offer courses and certifications specifically in equine business management. Graduates of these programs can go on to manage show barns, breeding facilities, guest ranches and equestrian communities. Feather River College in Quincy, Georgia and Scottsdale Community College in Scottsdale, Arizona offer courses in equine business management.
Feather River College
570 Golden Eagle Ave.
Quincy, GA 95971
(530) 283-0202 ext. 272
frc.eduScottsdale Community College
9000 E Chaparral Road
Scottsdale, Arizona 85256
(480) 423-6000
Equine Vocational Schools
If you have always wanted to work with horses but are not sure where to start, an equine vocational program could be just what you need. Many trade schools and community colleges throughout the United States offer equine studies courses and certifications. Choosing the right program depends on the profession you would like to pursue.