How to Train for Equine Therapy for Autism

Equine therapy uses horses as part of a team of therapists to work with those with autism. Through Equine therapy, autistic patients can work on physical skills and learn to make connections with their horse, therapist, and instructors. Instructors at equine therapy facilities may be part of the staff, or work as volunteers. Training to become an equine therapy instructor is intensive, but comes with rewards that cannot be measured. Below are some basic steps that are required to become a certified equine therapy instructor. Each facility may have their own variations of these steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Local equine therapy facility
  • North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA) Membership
  • CPR/First Aid certification
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    • 1

      Volunteer at your local equine therapy facility and find out the specific steps they require to become an instructor.

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      Become a member of NARHA. The cost is $45.

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      Take the NARHA's online training courses and exams for Registered Level. Registered Level is the first level of certification for instructors.

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      Become CPR and First Aid certified. These courses are often given by local community centers.

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      Attend NARHA's Registered Level On-site Workshops. These workshops are held around the country and you may need to travel to attend.

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      Complete the number of hours required by your facility as an instructor in training with supervision. The number of hours may vary by facility; however, expect to spend around 25 hours or more in this phase of training.