Things You'll Need
- Thick saddle pad
- Several thin saddle pads
- Saddle blanket (very thin pad)
Look to see how your saddle fits on your horse's back. Place your hand under the very front center of the saddle. If the withers (high bony area at the front of the horse's back and right before the neck and mane start) touch the saddle, your horse needs a built-up saddle pad.
Start with a thick saddle pad placed directly on the horse's back with the saddle placed on top of it. If the pad on top of the withers is touching the saddle, the pad needs to be built up more.
Remove the saddle and thick pad. Place a thin pad on the horse's back, followed by the thick pad and saddle. This should move the saddle off of the horse's withers. If not, remove everything and use two thick pads under the saddle.