What are the 10 words that describe seahorse?

Here are 10 words to describe a seahorse, capturing their unique features and characteristics:

1. Equine: Resembling a horse, especially the head and neck.

2. Gracile: Slender and delicate in form.

3. Prehensile: Having a tail that can grasp or hold onto objects.

4. Camouflaged: Able to blend in with their surroundings.

5. Slow-moving: Moving slowly and deliberately.

6. Symbiotic: Living in a close relationship with other organisms, such as algae.

7. Male-gestating: The male seahorse carries and gives birth to the offspring.

8. Pipe-like: Having a long, tubular snout.

9. Nocturnal: Active primarily at night.

10. Endangered: Many seahorse species are threatened with extinction.