When walking behind a horse what should you do?

When walking behind a horse, it's important to be aware and respectful of their space and natural behavior. Here's what you should do:

1. Stay to the side: Never walk directly behind a horse. They have poor eyesight directly behind them and might kick out in surprise or fear.

2. Speak softly: Make your presence known by talking calmly and quietly. This gives the horse a chance to hear you coming.

3. Keep a safe distance: Stay at least 10-15 feet away from the horse. This gives them space to move freely and avoid feeling threatened.

4. Watch for signs of warning: Be aware of the horse's body language. If they flick their ears, swish their tail, or paw the ground, they may be agitated. Give them more space or move away altogether.

5. Be predictable: Make slow, deliberate movements. Sudden movements or loud noises can startle a horse.

6. Don't block their path: If you need to pass the horse, ask the handler if it's safe to do so. Avoid blocking their path as this can make them feel trapped.

7. Be mindful of the environment: Be aware of the surrounding area and anything that might spook the horse, like loud noises or sudden movements.

Remember: Horses are powerful animals. It's important to be cautious and respectful around them at all times. If you are unsure of how to behave around horses, it's best to ask someone who knows.