What is the meaning of being born in stable does not make a horse?

The saying "being born in a stable doesn't make a horse" is a metaphor that means simply being in the right environment or having the right origins doesn't guarantee success, talent, or any specific quality.

Here's a breakdown:

* Stable: Represents a place of origin, environment, or circumstances.

* Horse: Represents a desired quality, talent, or achievement.

The saying emphasizes that effort, dedication, and inherent abilities are essential for achieving something – not just being in the right place at the right time.

Here are some examples of how this saying can be applied:

* Education: Being born into a wealthy family with access to excellent schools doesn't guarantee academic success. Hard work and dedication are still required.

* Career: Having a family business or connections doesn't automatically mean a successful career. You still need the skills, knowledge, and drive to thrive.

* Art: Being born into a family of artists doesn't guarantee artistic talent. Passion, practice, and natural ability are crucial for becoming a successful artist.

In essence, the saying reminds us that potential needs to be nurtured and developed to reach its full potential.