What does flee mean for a horse?

When a horse "flees", it means they are running away from something. This could be due to:

* Fear: A horse might flee from a perceived threat, like a loud noise, a predator, or an unfamiliar object.

* Pain: A horse in pain might try to flee from the source of the pain.

* Instinct: Horses are prey animals and have a strong instinct to flee from danger.

Here are some other terms used to describe a horse running away:

* Bolting: This refers to a horse suddenly taking off at high speed, usually in response to fear.

* Running off: This is a more general term for a horse running away, without necessarily implying speed or fear.

* Escape: This suggests that the horse is trying to get away from something, but it doesn't necessarily imply running.

It's important to note that a horse fleeing is a natural instinct and shouldn't be punished. Instead, it's important to understand the reason behind the horse's behavior and address it appropriately.