Here's the story:
* Not a Horse: General Tom Thumb was a tiny Shetland pony that stood just 28 inches tall, making him a sensation at the time.
* Clever Marketing: Barnum, a master of publicity, cleverly marketed the pony as a "woolly horse" to draw in crowds. The term "woolly" referred to the pony's thick, long coat, which made him appear even smaller and more unique.
* A Star Attraction: General Tom Thumb became one of Barnum's biggest stars, touring the world and performing in elaborate shows. He even met Queen Victoria and President Lincoln, attracting huge crowds who were captivated by his size.
So, while technically a Shetland pony, P.T. Barnum's "woolly horse" became a legend in its own right, proving the power of marketing and the public's fascination with the extraordinary.