What sound does a horse make?

Horses make a variety of sounds, but the most common one is a neigh.

Here are some other sounds horses make:

* Snort: A forceful expulsion of air through the nostrils, often used to express excitement or alarm.

* Whicker: A soft, high-pitched sound, often used to communicate with other horses.

* Nicker: A soft, low-pitched sound, often used as a greeting or to call for attention.

* Whinny: A longer, higher-pitched sound, often used to express excitement or distress.

* Squeal: A high-pitched, piercing sound, often used to express pain or fear.

* Roar: A deep, guttural sound, often used to express anger or dominance.

* Stomp: A loud, rhythmic sound made by stamping their hooves on the ground.

* Flehmen: A facial expression where they curl their upper lip back, often used to smell pheromones in the air.