How To Show an Arab Horse

If you are the proud owner of an Arabian horse, you might want to try your hand at competing in a horse show. Both breed-specific and open horse shows can be a lot of fun, but it is important to prepare before you head to the ring for the first time. Each breed organization, including the one governing Arabian horses, has its own rules and regulations. Becoming familiar with those rules ahead of time will make you a better competitor.

Things You'll Need

  • Arabian Horse Association (AHA) rulebook
  • Saddle
  • Saddle pad
  • Bridle
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    • 1

      Ask experienced show people you know for advice about which classes your Arabian horse would be best at. Each horse has its own aptitudes and talents, and it is better to focus on these natural abilities than to force the horse into a class it is not suitable for. If you work with a trainer or riding instructor, that individual can help you find the most suitable classes for your horse.

    • 2

      Obtain a copy of the most recent rule book from the Arabian Horse Association. Study the descriptions of each class you are interested in, as well as the rules and regulations for that class.

    • 3

      Compare the descriptions of allowed saddles, bits and bridles listed in the rule book to the equipment you have. If the bit you normally use is not allowed in competition, you will need to replace it. Also ensure that your tack meets the guidelines listed in the rule book.

    • 4

      Visit a few horse shows, both Arabian breed shows and open shows where Arabians are competing. Watch the classes you plan to compete in, to see how the language in the rule book is interpreted in the real world. Watch the horses who are doing well in their classes, and note the type of headset and movement they display.

    • 5

      Take notes about the way the competitors dress for their classes. Western classes require a long-sleeved shirt and suitable pants, as well as riding boots and a Western hat. Many competitors also wear chaps in the pleasure and equitation classes. English competitors are required to wear a hunt coat, breeches, boots and a helmet. Take note of the fashion trends in the show ring, and keep them in mind as you shop for your own show clothes.

    • 6

      Seek out a small show in your area for your first outing, and try to bring along your trainer or riding instructor. Enter a few classes to get the feel for what is required in the show ring. Focus on having fun and learning the ropes your first few times out. Ask for advice from the other competitors, and accept any suggestions or criticism provided by the judge. This advice can be quite useful as you move forward with your show career.