How to Teach Your Horse Bridleless

Riding a horse bridleless means riding it without a bit in its mouth and reins over its head and neck. This type of riding requires you to learn excellent horsemanship. The horse must learn to follow your body cues rather than mouth cues. Some horses have the right personality for this, while others don't.

Things You'll Need

  • Horseman's rope
  • Neck harness
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    • 1

      Control your horse with your body language and spurs. This is the key to bridleless riding. Focus on communicating with your horse through other means than the bridle and bit. Practice by letting go of the reins and letting them loop over the saddle horn.

    • 2

      Loop a horseman's rope around the horse's neck while still using a bridle. After dropping the reins and controlling the horse without them, pick up the rope when you need extra control before the reins. This intermediary step helps the horse learn that you can control it without the bit and bridle. The reins should stay in place at first, so you can gain fuller control quickly while the horse is learning to understand your body language.

    • 3

      Practice your ability to direct your horse verbally and with your legs, as well as your ability to retain control without yanking on the reins. Evaluate your own balance on the horse and your horse's personality. You must also be able to stay balanced, as constantly falling off balance may be interpreted as a direction by your horse.

    • 4

      Test your horse with a neck halter when you feel it is ready to come off the bridle. If you can control the horse as well as you did the a bit and bridle, then it is ready for this stage of training.

    • 5

      Practice with a neck rope, with nothing over the horse's head. The horse is ready for this step if you can control it completely without the neck halter.