How to Board Horses in Owensboro, Kentucky

Horses are very hands-on animals, requiring exercise, care and constant human attention. If you are a horse owner and travel frequently, or if you find you cannot tend to the needs of your horse on a daily basis, you will want to find a horse boarder who can. Fortunately, Owensboro, Ky., is in the heart of horse country and numerous boarding stables are in the area.


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      Check out the stables. Visit the stables and observe the staff and horses. Inspect the property to see if it is in good repair, and note how the handlers treat the horses. Interview the owner to get a feel for his capacity to take care of your horse. Inquire about the horse feed, meal schedule, dietary supplements and daily exercise schedule. Look at other horses there and note their behavior. Horses tend to be heavily influenced by the behavior of other animals around them. Be sure the stables are secure with gate locks and other security measures.

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      Examine the stall where your horse will potentially be boarded. Are there lights in the stall? Does it have electrical outlets for running a fan? Inquire how often the stalls are cleaned and inspect other stalls with horses already boarded.

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      Check the Owensboro yellow pages or contact the local Chamber of Commerce to get a list of the area stables. (The Resource section lists websites with information about boarding stables in Owensboro.) And talk to friends who have horses and ask for their recommendations.