How to Tie a Lead Rope

A lead rope or lead line is a length of rope attached to a horse's halter. As the name implies, the rope is used for the purpose of leading the horse when walking. A lead rope is necessary when tying horses out. Tying a lead rope must be done in such a way that the horse's safety and comfort are not compromised. A quick-release knot ensures a secure fastening to keep the horse in one spot. If the horse panics or spooks, a quick-release knot allows the horse to escape without hurting itself or breaking its tack.


    • 1

      Loop the tail of the lead rope around or through an object suitable for hitching a horse, such as a picket line.

    • 2

      Cross the tail of the rope under the length of rope leading to the horse. Twist the length of rope leading to the horse closest to the hitching post to form a loop.

    • 3

      Flip the tail of the rope over the length of rope leading to the horse. Slide a portion of the tail-end of the lead rope through the loop. Do not pull the tail all the way through the loop.

    • 4

      Pull the rope tight. Release the knot by pulling on the tail end of the lead rope. This unravels the knot.