How to Lead a Yearling

A yearling is a young horse that is a year old. The majority of yearlings already are trained to halter and lead well before they ever reach their first birthday. Yearlings are more likely to spook or misbehave while being handled than adult horses. Leading a yearling requires extra caution and vigilance because yearlings are large enough to overpower a human and do not have the training and life experience of adult horses.

Things You'll Need

  • Halter
  • Lead rope
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    • 1

      Halter the yearling by placing your arm under the yearling's neck behind the head, easing the halter over the yearling's nose and buckling the crown piece. Adjust the noseband as necessary. The halter should be snug enough to stay on the head without being so tight the horse will find it uncomfortable. A good rule of thumb is that you should be able to fit two fingers between the horse's skin and the halter.

    • 2

      Clip the lead rope onto the ring at the bottom of the center of the chin piece. Grip the lead rope firmly in your right hand and hold the excess rope in your left hand. Do not coil the rope or wrap it around your hand or body. If the yearling spooks and pulls away, you could be seriously injured if you become tangled in the lead rope.

    • 3

      Walk forward with the yearling. Position yourself so that you are an arms length away from the yearling and walking even with its shoulder. Pay attention to the yearling's body movements and behaviors as you lead the animal to its destination.