How to Tell if a Horse is Angry

Horses are interesting animals. They need very little in the way of vocalizations to make themselves understood. Almost anyone with a willingness to study the horse can learn how to read their body language. By watching a horse interact with his companions and with you, you can easily ready his mood. This article will help you tell if a horse is angry.


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      Look at the ears. An angry horse will flatten his ears alongside his head. They will be absolutely pinned down as far as he can make them go.

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      Look at the eyes. A horse who is mad will roll his eyes back into his head and show the whites of his sclera (the outer coat of his eyeballs). The eye will also crinkle down and flatten out. The emotion of the animal will be plain in its eyes.

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      Observe the mouth. An angry horse will bite and often will bare its teeth and snap as a warning that it means business. A horse in full attack mode will open its jaws wide and snap them down like iron on the hide of an attacker or offender.

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      Watch out for flying hooves. An angry horse will spin its rear to the danger and lash out with both hind feet in defense or aggression. This is the horse's most dangerous weapon and is only used when the animal means to warn, hurt, or kill.

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      Look at the neck. An angry horse will hold his neck down low and straight, accompanying this with the flattened ears, flattened eyes and bared teeth. There is no mistaking a horse when it is angry, and you need to respect that anger.