How to Calm a Horse for a Show

Competition horse shows can be nerve-wracking for horses and their owners. Keeping your horse calm under trying circumstances often can be key to coming away with those top honors. Giving you and your horse enough time to prepare is critical.


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      Follow your usual routine with the horse on the day of the show. If a morning walk or riding on a short trail is normal daily activity, make sure to carry this activity out as you would on any day.

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      Prepare early. Do not wait until the last minute to feed, wash and groom the horse. This will only cause stress and anxiety for both of you. Get to the show early and lead your horse around. Let him get used to things and eventually he will relax.

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      Rub lavender oil on the horse. This oil has a calming scent and also relaxes tense muscles.

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      Talk softly and reassuringly to the horse at the show. Stroke his nose and mane and give him treats to keep him calm.

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      Calm yourself. A horse can feel when a person is anxious or nervous. Make sure you are relaxed. Try deep breathing exercises and taking a walk.

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      Take your horse to many shows throughout the year so that he gets accustomed to the environment. Enter him often and get him used to the busy atmosphere of a horse show. Bring your horse to shows in which he is not going to perform. Get him used to the atmosphere. If he knows what to expect at a show, he just might stay calm when it's the real deal.