How to Succeed at a Horse Show

No one enters their first horse show without hoping they will succeed. It is not an easy task but with a few pointers you can be very successful at the horse show. The following steps will tell you how to do just that.


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      Hope for realistic goals. It is OK to expect the best but also consider the fact that this is your first horse show. Do not be disappointed if you do not place in the first show. Like all competitions, you will get better with more practice.

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      Find a horse that you are comfortable with and that you can control in any situation. The horse's behavior will mean a great deal to the judges when the show begins. They will rate you on how well you handle your horse.

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      Make sure your horse is suitable for the classes you wish to show in. A saddleseat horse will not success in western pleasure classes and a race-horse is not the best option for a hunter pleasure class. The horse should be trained in the discipline and classes you want to show in.

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      Seek lessons and training for yourself. You need to know what to do, how to ride and what's expected of you in your class. A good instructor can help prepare you.

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      Pick an appropriate show. Start with a schooling show. These are good places to get practice and experience and are not as high stress as rated shows.

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      Once you've found a show, figure out where you need to pre-register or can enter the day of the show. If you need to pre-register, pick your classes and get your form and fee in on time.

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      Go to some shows to watch. This will help you learn what to expect.

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      Make sure you have proper equipment for your horse and proper clothing for yourself. Read the rule book to learn what's allowed and expected.

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      Make a list of everything you will need for the show and gather all your things the night before. Double check the list because if you forget something you will not have an opportunity to get it before the show.

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      Present your horse as well as you can. Groom, brush and clip and the horse and braid the mane if need be. The judges will be impressed with a well presented horse.

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      Practice the routines as much as you can prior to the events. You will feel much more comfortable going into the show and you will have a much better chance of placing or winning as well. Practice daily if you can.

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      Arrive at the arena early. You should have a chance to practice in the arena. This may calm your horse down a little as well. If the horse is comfortable with his environment, he will probably perform much better for you.

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      If you had to pre-register, check in at the show office and get your class number and other information. If you did not have to pre-register, make sure you register for your classes in plenty of time.

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      Relax and smile! You will not be able to do your part in the show if you are nervous. Have fun with the show and smile. The judges like to see a genuine smile, not one that is forced. Have fun and good luck at your first horse show.