How to Write a Horse Sale Contract

Whether buying or selling a horse, a horse sale contract helps protect both parties involved in the deal. A written contract signed by both buyer and seller can hold up in court if a situation arises. Learn how to write a horse sale contract by following these steps.


    • 1

      Identify the seller and buyer of the horse by recording the full name of each person, their address, phone numbers and social security numbers. If the horse has registration papers, the seller's name should be the same as the current owner on the papers. If the names are not the same, the ownership should be questioned. The seller may not have permission to sell the horse as she may not be the rightful owner.

    • 2

      Describe the horse in detail, including the registered name, registration or tattoo number, brand (if any), age, sex, markings, color and breed. Make sure to include whether the horse has any points with a show circuit or any Futurity nominations. If the horse is carrying a foal or is sold with a promise of a breeding, include this in the contract as well.

    • 3

      Include the price of the horse, how payment was or is being made, when the horse is no longer the responsibility of the seller and who is responsible for the horse if payments are being made.

    • 4

      If payments are being made, describe what will happen if the buyer defaults on the payments.

    • 5

      Add details of the sale into the contract. If there was an examination by a veterinarian make note of it along with the veterinarian's name and office. If no exam was performed, include that the horse is being sold "as is."

    • 6

      Have an attorney review the contract to insure that it is a legally blind and allowable contract.

    • 7

      Sign the contract along with all other involved parties. If the contract is not signed by everyone, it is no good and may not be accepted by a judge if a situation arises.