How to Stop a Horse From Cribbing

Cribbing is an addictive, unhealthy habit some horses have. Cribbing is when a horse bites down on a wooden object, such as a fence or stall, and proceeds to suck in air. This can cause many health problems for the horse. Since cribbing is addictive for horses it can be hard to stop and has no cure.


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      Distract your horse from cribbing by supplying him with food or a toy. Most cribbing starts from a horse being bored or stressed. Having hay or grass available at all times can prevent a horse from cribbing. Putting a horse toy in the stall, one that has a treat inside, can distract the horse from cribbing.

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      Use a cribbing strap or collar on your horse. Cribbing straps fit around the horse's throat right behind the head. The strap does not hurt the horse or prevent him from eating or drinking normally. It puts pressure on the horse's throat when he attempts to arch his neck to crib, making cribbing uncomfortable. This can stop most horses, but some still attempt to crib.

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      Apply liquids or sprays to wood made for cribbing horses. These products are made to taste bad to a horse and may stop him from biting on the wood. Some horses dislike the taste and stop cribbing; others may not mind the taste. This method only works on the areas you spray. If the horse is moved to a different area, he can start cribbing again.

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      Run electric fence on top of or in place of wooden fence. This can stop cribbing immediately, as the horse won't touch the electric fence. This method doesn't work in a stall or barn where an electric fence can't be used.