How to Harness a Horse

You have your horse all cleaned up, and all the heavy equipment laid out and ready to put on. You're picturing yourself out on those country or city roads, whip in hand, happily trotting along in your carriage. You're ready to drive your horse! The first step is proper harnessing technique.

Things You'll Need

  • horse
  • harness equipment
  • halter and lead rope
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    • 1

      Tie your horse in an area open enough to move around with heavy equipment.

    • 2

      Get the collar. Turn it upside down and slide that wider open end over the horse's ears. At the ears, turn the collar right side up in the direction of the mane. Pull the collar down to the breast level, making sure to straighten any mane, and making sure the collar pad is in place to protect the horse's shoulders and neck. Unhook the lead rope from underneath the collar and pull it out, rehooking it to the halter so your horse remains tied.

    • 3

      Place the hames on top of the collar. Square flaps should lay across collar, pointing toward his rear. Tighten hame strap at the breast tightly. This is the most important strap, it will be holding the whoe carriage to the horse. Make sure hames are in groove on the collar. Drape the traces over the horse's back on each side to keep off the ground.

    • 4

      Place the saddle and breeching on the horse's back. The saddle fits slightly farther back than a riding saddle. Tuck the crupper under the tail and fasten, making sure all tail hairs are lying flat. Tighten the girth a little looser than a riding girth. Fasten the belly band.

    • 5

      Take each rein and thread them through the rein guides on each side of the saddle and then up through the rein guides on the collar, pulling the reins down until they hang to about breast level. Hang remaining rein slack on the rein guides on the saddle.

    • 6

      Unhook and slip your halter back on your horse's neck. Slip the driving bridle over your horse's ears, putting the bit in his mouth. Fasten throat latch. Place over-check strap over horse's ears and loop over one hame.

    • 7

      Attach reins to bridle on each side. Horse is ready to be put to cart.