How to Stop Horse Slaughter

Though it's likely that horse slaughter will soon be illegal in the United States, horses will still be shipped across the borders for slaughter. Horses, like most animals slated for slaughter, endure brutal transport conditions before they are finally killed. Most horses are slaughtered for human consumption in European markets and most of them are relatively healthy and sound.


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      Support horse adoption. If you want a horse, seek out rescue organizations or individuals attempting to place horses. If you can no longer care for a horse you own, find her a home through adoption rather than sending her to auction. A large number of auctioned horses are eventually slaughtered, even if they are first purchased as riding horses by individuals.

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      Recognize that horses are more than their use value. When you adopt a horse, commit to adopting that horse for life-caring for him even if he can no longer be ridden. Most people would not send a dog to a shelter if he was too arthritic to jog with them; think of your horse in the same way.

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      Euthanize your horse if necessary. If your horse's quality of life becomes poor due to illness, have a veterinarian euthanize your horse humanely rather than sending your horse to auction.

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      Oppose Premarin, a hormone replacement therapy made from pregnant mares' urine. Horses are kept permanently pregnant and tethered in stalls so their urine can be gathered. When no longer fertile, the mares are generally shipped to slaughter along with their foals. If your doctor prescribes Premarin, request a different medication and explain why.

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      Start a horse rescue organization, or join forces with an existing organization. If you have the resources, desire and time, rescuing horses from feedlots and other situations or creating a thoroughbred retirement organization are rewarding ways to reach out to horses. It also allows you to educate others about horses and horse slaughter.

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      Consider becoming vegetarian. Though horse slaughter may be more emotionally compelling than the slaughter of other animals, any animal slaughter is cruel, no matter who is being killed. By becoming vegetarian, you can make a difference in the lives of all animals.