Why was St Bernard of Clairvaux cannonized?

Bernard of Clairvaux was canonized on January 18, 1174, by Pope Alexander III, just twenty-two years after his death. He was recognized for his:

- Outstanding holiness and virtue demonstrated throughout his life.

- Profound theological and spiritual writings that greatly enriched the Church's teachings, including influential works like "On Grace and Free Will" and "The Steps of Humility."

-Tireless efforts to promote monasticism and the Cistercian Order, contributing significantly to the revival and spread of monastic life in Europe.

- Active role in resolving theological controversies and promoting Church unity, most notably in the debates concerning the teachings of Peter Abelard.

- Reputation for performing numerous miracles during his life and after his death, further solidifying his reputation as a saint.

Bernard of Clairvaux' canonization was a testament to his profound impact on the Church and his enduring legacy as a revered saint and spiritual leader.