How do you ask a horse to lope on the correct lead?

First, make sure your horse is balanced and moving forward freely. A horse that is not balanced or moving forward freely will be more difficult to cue into a lope.

To cue your horse to lope, apply pressure with your outside leg just behind the cinch. Squeeze your leg for a few seconds, then release. If the horse doesn't respond, increase the pressure or apply it for a longer period of time. You can also try using your voice or a whip to cue the horse.

As the horse begins to lope, support the movement with your inside leg and reins. Keep your inside leg close to the horse's belly and use it to drive the horse forward. Use your reins to guide the horse in the direction you want to go.

Here are some additional tips for asking a horse to lope on the correct lead:

- Sit up tall and keep your weight evenly distributed in the saddle.

- Keep your legs close to the horse's sides.

- Don't lean forward or back.

- Be patient and consistent with your cues.

- If the horse breaks to the wrong lead, don't panic. Simply stop the horse and try again.

With practice, you'll be able to ask your horse to lope on the correct lead with ease.