How to Set Up a Dressage Arena

Dressage is an equestrian sport that dates back to ancient Greece. The horse and rider compete together through a series of maneuvers that showcase not only the athletic ability of the horse, but also the rider's training ability. The dressage arena is shaped to exacting measurements so that the horse and rider have a uniform performance area. The arena is 60 meters long and 20 meters wide. Portions of the arena are marked with simple lettered signs to direct the horses and riders.

Things You'll Need

  • Two 60 meter surveyor's measuring tapes
  • 14 wooden stakes
  • Two assistants
  • 18-inch high portable fencing, 160 meters total in length
  • 12 lettered sign posts
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  1. Designing the Arena

    • 1

      Measure 20 meters across one side of the field. Place a wooden stake at each end of the 20-meter measurement. Place one assistant at each of the stakes. Give them the zero end of the measuring tape.

    • 2

      Holding both measuring tapes, walk away from the assistants. One tape will be straight and the other will be diagonal from the assistants. Walk until one tape measures 20 meters and the other measures 28.3 meters. Pound a stake into the ground.

    • 3

      Walk directly across the field until the first tape, that had measured 20 meters, measures 28.3 meters and the other tape measures 20 meters. Pound a stake into the ground. Move your assistants to the new stakes.

    • 4

      Repeat Steps 2 and 3 two more times until you have a 20-by-60 meter arena.

    • 5

      Place the short portable fence on the entire boundary to connect all of the stakes.

    Marking the Arena

    • 6

      Measure the 20 meter end of the arena. Mark the 10 meter point, designating the center line of the arena. Place a stake at the center point. Repeat at the other end of the arena.

    • 7

      Place the "A" stake at one end of the arena, 1 meter from the edge of the arena on the outside of the fence to allow the horses space for entry. The "C" stake is placed just outside the fence at the center of the other end of the arena.

    • 8

      Move your assistants to right-hand side of the arena, just outside the fence. Stretch the 60 meter tape between them. Starting at the same side as the "A" stake, place the "F" stake at 6 meters, the "P" stake at 18 meters and the "B" stake at 30 meters, centered on that side. Place the "R" stake at 42 meters and the "M" stake at 54 meters. Move your assistants to the other side of the arena.

    • 9

      Place the "K" stake just outside the fence, 6 meters from the end marked with the "A." Place the "V" stake 18 meters from the end and the "E" stake centered at 30 meters. Place the "S" stake at 42 meters and the "H" stake at 54 meters.