Sunset Ranch Hollywood
Sunset ride Famous for its "Sunset Dinner Ride", the Sunset Ranch Hollywood also offers boarding, riding tours, lessons and more. Reserve your special event and take a 4-hour round-trip ride with friends from the ranch to dinner at Viva Fresh Mexican restaurant or see spectacular views from Mt. Hollywood and return to the ranch for a festive barbecue.
Los Angeles Children's Riding Center
Child on a horse Specializing in horse training for children, the Los Angeles Children's Riding Center located in Sun Valley also offers Summer Camps and specially developed programs for Girl Scouts, parties, enrichment groups and community organizations.
Hooper Trail Horses Griffith Park
Griffith Park Trail Located in Burbank adjacent to the Los Angeles Equestrian Center and Griffith Park trails, Hooper Trail Horses offers privately owned and trained horses for lessons or experienced riders. Unlike traditional rental centers, certified riding instructor David Hooper offers customized rides for a one-of-a-kind riding opportunity.
Dude's Ranch Equine Rescue Center
Girl hugging a rescued horse Dude's Ranch, based in Acton, California, offers services in Malibu, Los Angeles and throughout Southern California. All activities offered support horse rescue and adoption efforts. In addition to lessons, horse transportation, trail rides, horse camps for children and other services, Dude Ranch actively seeks volunteers, foster care sponsors and new homes for abandoned and rescued horses.
Greater Los Angeles Paint Horse Club
Paint horse drinking from a trough GLAPHC is a club that holds activities and promotes interest in the American Paint Horse, a breed of horses with both the characteristics of American stock horses and the white and dark color spotting patterns of Pinto horses. GLAPHC is involved in horse education training and charitable endeavors, including holding an annual "Saddle Up for St. Jude" trail ride and fundraiser to raise money for St. Jude's Children's Research Center.
Antelope Valley Desert Riders
Horse and rider in the desert AVDR is the self-described oldest equestrian center in Los Angeles County with monthly horse shows the 2nd Saturday of every month and Gymkhana the 2nd Sunday of every month. Gymkhana is an event where horses and riders get together to play horse games, providing a fun and educational atmosphere for everyone.
Giddy Up Ranch Petting Zoo and Pony Ride
Pony peeking through a fence Located in Orange County, the Giddy Up Ranch Petting Zoo and Pony Ride offers ponies and petting zoo rentals for private parties, education and entertainment at affordable prices, complete with fencing and animal handlers.
SERT -- Special Equestrian Riding Therapy
Child preparing to ride a horse SERT offers therapeutic riding for helping children with special needs in Ventura and Los Angeles counties. It welcomes parents and children and offers a free ride for new special needs children who wish to participate.
Horse Activities in Los Angeles
Finding horse activities in Los Angeles may seem like finding a needle in a haystack, but with a little investigation, horse activities abound in the nooks and crannies of the big city. Whether riding horseback amid California beaches or simply being a spectator at a horse show, visitors can escape with these nostalgic pastimes and may even find a new hobby.