How to Organize a Pony Club

The United States Pony Club or USPC is the largest organization for young riders in the nation. Affiliated with Pony Clubs worldwide, there are more than 12,000 young members in the United States and more than 600 clubs. If there isn't a Pony Club in your vicinity, take the time to organize one.


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      Organize a meeting of interested parties to discuss the idea of forming a Pony Club. Horses fascinate many children and their parents would like a safe way of introducing their kids to the world of horses. Notify your local 4H Clubs to let them know you are interested in starting a group.

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      Explain what Pony Club is. Grounded in education, a Pony Club provides extensive teaching materials on horses and the safety factors involved. Children do not need to own a horse to belong to a Pony Club, but must have a horse available for lessons. As kids advance through the ranks, they can participate in the practice of equestrian riding skills and compete through the club. As of now, Western riding is not a part of a Pony Club.

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      Get parents involved. As a voluntary club that depends upon private funding, a Pony Club will need many willing hands to organize fund raisers, chaperon kids as they attend educational workshops and help with the physical side of horsemanship. Parents are an integral part of the success of the club.

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      Decide how your club will operate. USPC offers inclusion in its network and provides access to many educational publications and forms, but the basic structure you choose can vary according to your personal needs.