How many days from December 7 to March 3?

To calculate the number of days between December 7 and March 3, we can count the number of days in each month between these dates and add them up.

First, count the number of days from December 7 to the end of the month. There are 24 days from December 7 to December 31st.

Next, count the number of days in January. There are 31 days in January.

Then, count the number of days in February. There are 28 days in February (29 days in a leap year).

Finally, count the number of days from March 1st to March 3rd. There are 3 days from March 1st to March 3rd.

Add all these numbers together: 24 + 31 + 28 + 3 = 86 days.

Therefore, there are 86 days from December 7 to March 3.