How to Put a Bridle on a Horse for the First Time

Introducing a bridle to a horse can be a difficult thing to do, especially if it is the horse's first experience. It is important to remain patient, calm and persistent when bridling a horse to create a positive experience for both you and the horse. Always use slow movements and be gentle to avoid spooking the horse and causing it to feel fear or pain. Once the bridle is on the horse, give it time to adjust to the feel of the bit before trying to use it.

Things You'll Need

  • Halter
  • Halter rope
  • Bridle
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    • 1

      Familiarize your horse with being touched behind the ears, on its forehead, along the sides of the head and the nose. Rub your hand gently over these areas on your horse's head. If the horse remains calm, you are ready to introduce the bridle. If the horse is jumpy or skittish, put off introducing the bridle and spend more time touching its head until it remains calm.

    • 2

      Place a halter on the horse and attach a halter rope to the bottom of the halter. Put your horse in a stall or small pen to ensure that the horse will not run away if spooked. Lift the halter rope and gently place it around the horses neck. Tie the loose end of the halter rope to the attached end of the halter rope to make a loose loop around the horse's neck. Remove the halter from the horse's head and let it dangle from the neck by the rope.

    • 3

      Place the reins of the bridle over the horse's head and around its neck. Hold the bridle up to the horse to allow the horse to see and sniff the bridle to become familiar with it.

    • 4

      Hold the top portion of the bridle in your left hand and move it slowly up the horse's head until it is just above the horse's forehead and the bit is at its mouth. Move the bridle back down the horse's head. Do this a few times until the horse is familiar with the bridle sliding up its head.

    • 5

      Move the bridle upwards on the horse's head once more. Grasp the bit in your right hand and slide the thumb of your right hand into the horse's mouth at the back where there are no teeth to encourage your horse to open its mouth. Slide the bit into the horse's mouth over its tongue when it opens its mouth.

    • 6

      Pull the bridle over the horse's ears one at a time with your left hand. Hold onto the sides of the bit as you do so to ensure that it does not slip out of the horses mouth. Pull away any strands of the horse's mane that may be underneath the straps of the bridle. Adjust the buckles on the bridle to the correct position to re-size the bridle, if needed. Untie the halter rope and remove it from around the horse's neck.