How to Train a Horse from Leaning When Walking Him

All horses should be taught to walk quietly on a lead beside their handlers. A horse that charges ahead or leans on the handler while walking can be very dangerous, and it is important to stop this habit from developing. If you do have a horse that leans or charges ahead, you need to deal with the issue before it becomes any worse. These kinds of bad habits can quickly get out of control, so the sooner you deal with the problem the better.

Things You'll Need

  • Halter
  • Lead rope
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    • 1

      Place a halter on your horse's head and fasten it securely. A rope halter works best, since it gives you more control than a flat nylon halter.

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      Attach a soft cotton lead rope with a solid snap to the halter. A solid snap prevents the horse from breaking free when you are leading hiim.

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      Walk the horse a few steps, then stop and stand still. Continue walking small distances, stopping often to keep the attention of the horse and keep him focused on your instructions.

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      Ask the horse to walk longer distances as you go. Stop the horse immediately if he begins to lean into you or tries to charge ahead. Ask the horse to back up a few steps each time this occurs, then slowly move forward again. Continue asking the horse to move backward each time he tries to charge ahead or lean into you.

    • 5

      Stop the horse and ask him to turn. When you turn the horse you should ask him to move away from you by applying gentle pressure on the lead rope. Increase the pressure until the horse responds by moving away from you.

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      Work with the horse consistently every day. You do not have to do long training sessions, but you do have to be consistent with your cues. It can take weeks, or even months, to break this habit, but consistency and daily training sessions are the best ways to fix this problem.