How to Train a Horse to Stop at a Trot

One of the most important things horse owners need to do is establish a strong "whoa" in the animals they ride. A well-trained horse should be able to stop within a few strides from a walk, trot and canter. Training a horse to stop squarely and swiftly from a trot is challenging, but it is much easier if you build on the training the horse already has.

Things You'll Need

  • Halter
  • Lead rope
  • Saddle
  • Bridle
  • Long lines
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    • 1

      Place the halter on the horse and attach the lead rope. Lead the horse next to you, with the horse to your right and slightly behind you. Stop your forward movement, and say "whoa" as you do.

    • 2

      Pull lightly on the lead rope if the horse does not stop with the voice command. Pull harder if the horse still does not respond, and keep increasing the pressure until the horse stops. Repeat this exercise until the horse is stopping consistently with the verbal "whoa" cue alone.

    • 3

      Attach a long line to each side of the halter and walk behind your horse, at a distance of between 5 and 10 feet. Long lines are essentially long lead ropes. They are designed to let you cue your horse from the ground and prepare him for cues from the saddle.

    • 4

      Walk your horse, then give the verbal "whoa" command. Follow that command with a gentle pull on the lines, then a stronger pull if the horse does not respond. Continue long lining the horse until it is stopping consistently every time you give the verbal "whoa" command.

    • 5

      Place a saddle and bridle on your horse and begin to ride. From time to time, give the verbal "whoa" command and wait a few seconds for your horse to respond. Follow up with a gentle pull on the reins, then a harder pull until the horse responds. Continue this exercise until the horse stops consistently every time with a verbal command alone. This process can take a few days to a few weeks, depending on the horse. The key is to be consistent, and to follow up those verbal commands with rein cues every time the horse does not respond promptly.

    • 6

      Walk the horse around, varying the amount of time you move before you give the verbal "whoa" command. Continue working until the horse is stopping promptly and squarely every time at a walk. Move into a slow trot, then give the verbal "whoa" command. Be prepared to give a rein cue if the horse does not respond promptly enough. Continue working until the horse stops consistently every time with just the verbal command.