How to Train a Horse to Pivot for Showmanship Class

Showmanship class is an in-hand, or halter, class. The focus of this class is on the handler's ability to control and command the horse from the ground. It is important to teach your horse to pivot for showmanship classes, as this is one of the moves you will be judged on. The pivot is seen to be the hardest showmanship move to teach your horse.

Things You'll Need

  • Halter
  • Lead line
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    • 1

      Put a head collar and lead line on your horse and take it to a place where you have enough room to work, such as a menage or an empty field.

    • 2

      Stop your horse so that it is standing completely still, in a square halt. Stand on the left-hand side of your horse.

    • 3

      Walk toward the shoulder of your horse and encourage it to move away from you, with only its shoulders, leaving its hind legs in place. If your horse doesn't instinctively move from you, you should tap it lightly on the shoulder.

    • 4

      Praise your horse when it gets the movement correct.

    • 5

      Repeat until your horse can do a full 360 degree pivot on its far hind leg, without you having to tap on its shoulder.