How to Train a Horse That Shies Away

Shying or spooking is a horse's sudden movement in response to an unexpected movement or object. A horse can spook at something it sees on its right side and spook again if it sees it on its left side. It is a natural reaction. Some horses will jump sideways while others bolt. When a horse shies, the rider should remain calm and reassure the horse that all is well. Understanding your horse can lead to effective training methods.

Things You'll Need

  • Feared thing
  • Treats
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    • 1

      Develop a systematic desensitization training plan. Write down what your horse fears most. List everything your horse fears about it, and do the same for any other fears. Rank your list from least to most frightening.

    • 2

      Select a variety of treats to use during your training sessions. Try apple bits, carrots or horse cookies.

    • 3

      Expose your horse to the least scary version of the "feared thing." For example, if it's a tree limb, use a less threatening limb. Walk your horse towards it until your horse notices it. Stop while your horse is alert, but calm.

    • 4

      Say your horse's name and "Good girl" to reassure your horse and let her know you are there. Give your horse several treats.

    • 5

      Repeat your horse's name and take a step towards the tree limb. If your horse follows you or leans towards it, reward your horse with a treat and let her turn away from the limb.

    • 6

      Lead your horse from the area, turn around and start over. Don't let your horse turn away before she steps forward or leans toward the tree limb. Reward your horse with a "Good girl," a treat and a turn-away.

    • 7

      Repeat the above. If your horse reacts in the same way, move to the next item on your list. Follow the same steps. Gradually progress to the scariest version of the tree limb until your horse has overcome her fear.

    • 8

      End each session on a positive note.

    • 9

      Begin each session where you ended. Stay on that level until your horse is comfortable and ready to progress to the next level. This may take several sessions.

    • 10

      Keep your training session to ten minutes or longer.