How to Keep a Horse Out on the End of a Lunge Line

Lunging your horse has a number of important benefits. When you lunge your horse, you get a chance to see the animal move, giving you a heads-up on any soreness or lameness issues. You also provide your horse with important exercise, and the ability to warm up its muscles and move freely before you saddle up and start your ride. Unfortunately, many horses develop the habit of stopping on the lunge line and coming in to visit the handler instead of remaining on the end of the lunge line and continuing to work.

Things You'll Need

  • Halter
  • Lunge line
  • Lunge whip
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    • 1

      Stand in the center of the circle you want your horse to make around you when you start lunging. Make sure you have plenty of room and are away from any fences or other obstructions.

    • 2

      Hold the lunge whip in one hand and the lunge line in the other. Cluck to your horse and urge the animal to move out and away from you.

    • 3

      Snap the lunge whip lightly at your horse if it does not move when you cluck. Snap the whip a bit harder if the horse still does not respond. Continue to snap the whip in the horse's direction until it begins to move.

    • 4

      Hold the whip straight ahead of you as your horse moves around the lunge line. Snap the whip if the horse begins to stop or turn toward you. Use your body language as well as the whip, moving toward the horse when it begins to move in toward you. Walk toward the horse and cluck at the animal to keep it moving.