Ideas for Building a 60' Round Pen

The round pen or round corral is a valuable horse training tool. The 60̵7; diameter round pen is a perfect size for free longeing and beginning riding at the walk and trot. If you have only one round pen, 60̵7; is the best size to have.
  1. Metal Pipe Panels Round Pen

    • The most common portable round pen is the one made of pipe panels. These panels come in different heights and lengths. The most common height is 5̵7;, but 6̵7; and 3̵7; panels are also available. When choosing pipe panels for the round pen get the squared end panels, so there̵7;s no danger of the horse getting caught between the panels if he attempts to jump out of the round pen. There are also aftermarket plastic pieces that fit onto round top cattle panels.

    Wood or Vinyl Posts and Rails Round Pen

    • For a more permanent round pen, build it with wood posts. Wood and vinyl cross members have more give than pipe panels. This is a permanent round pen and can be customized to specific height and gate opening. Be sure to attach the boards to the inside of the round corral so the posts won̵7;t create an obstacle for the horse or rider. You can build a vinyl post and rail round corral, or you can use wood posts with rolled vinyl rail for less money.

    T-posts with Electric Fence Tape Round Pen

    • Another permanent round pen can be constructed with t-posts. The posts can be covered with guard sleeves with electric tape insulators for a nice finished look. The t-posts can be used without the guard sleeves, but the tops must be covered with toppers to prevent injury if a horse or rider falls against the top of the post. Some toppers have an electric wire insulator. The horse must be taught to respect the wire, but the round corral should never be electrified when training the horse on the ground or riding.

    Solid Wall Round Pen

    • The solid wall round pen is made of steel or wood. There are different wall heights available in the steel round pens, and the walls usually slant out to facilitate the rider̵7;s legs when traveling along the walls. This design can be built with wood posts and rails which are then covered in plywood. Because the horse can̵7;t see out of this round pen, some people like the lack of distractions.

    Portable Electric Fence Round Pen

    • Using fiberglass step-in posts or pigtail metal step-ins, you can build a round pen just about anywhere. Teach your horse to respect the tape or wire by turning the electric fence charger on when he is in the portable round pen alone. Turn the charger off when you̵7;re working with your horse on the ground or riding. Since you won̵7;t be pushing your horse hard enough for him to challenge the fence, he will respect the barrier.

    Round Pen Footing

    • It̵7;s important to place your round pen where you can provide good footing for your horse. Depending on your drainage and native soils, you may have to dig up and remove the dirt and replace it with better drainage. Also, you may be able to mix sand with the existing soil to create a safe and comfortable place to work your horse.