How to Harness a Miniature Horse

Miniature horses are typically too small to be ridden, but they are suitable for pulling a cart. Because of this, many miniature-horse owners train their horses to be driven. To pull a cart, the miniature horse must be harnessed properly. The process can be confusing until you have practiced it a few times, but if you have a patient horse, you'll soon be able to learn the steps and harness your miniature horse quickly and efficiently.

Things You'll Need

  • Grooming implements Harness Cart
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    • 1

      Tie the miniature horse in the area where you will be putting on its harness. The horse should be wearing a halter, so you can easily and safely secure the horse to a rack or hitching post.

    • 2

      Thoroughly groom the horse using a curry comb or stiff brush, and follow up with a soft brush. This will remove any dirt that could cause an irritation under the harness. It will also allow you to find any bumps, cuts or other injuries that could cause problems while driving the horse.

    • 3

      Put the collar on the horse's neck, turning it upside down as you pass it over the horse's head. This will allow the widest part to be passed over the horse's eyes so you won't bump them.

    • 4

      Place the harness over the upside-down horse collar, and buckle the harness strap. Once this is done, you can turn the collar right side up. Turn it in the same direction that the horse's mane lies against its neck.

    • 5

      Tighten the harness strap, and buckle the false martingale around it and around the collar. Once this is done, you can buckle on the traces. You should twist them over the buckle and pull them out at the free end so they won't fall onto the ground while you are working.

    • 6

      Put on the pad, backstrap and crupper, then thread the girth through the false martingale and buckle it. Leave the belly band undone until you are ready to attach your miniature horse to the cart. This will allow you to easily guide the cart shafts through the tugs.

    • 7

      Thread the reins through the pad and the terrets on the collar. Once they are in place, remove the horse's halter and put on its bridle. Attach the reins to the horse's bit.

    • 8

      Pull the cart up to the horse, and slip the cart shafts into the tugs. If your horse is skittish, have someone hold it by the bridle or reins while you do this. When the cart is in place, unloop the traces and put them inside the belly band; then hook them up on each side. Fasten the breeching straps and belly band, and make sure the tugs and shafts are at the right height before you begin driving your miniature horse.