How to Train a Horse to Drive a Cart

Training your horse to drive a cart can open up a world of enjoyment. Whether your horse is already trained to be ridden, or if this will be its first training, the process requires patience and thoroughness. Soon you'll be able to drive the horse for pleasure or even competition.

Things You'll Need

  • Harness
  • Cart
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    • 1

      Teach the horse to ground drive. Before you hitch it to a cart, the horse should respond to the proper cues, which are different than those it may have learned for being ridden. You can either use a harness or a saddle with the stirrups put up high. If you use a saddle, run long reins through the stirrups. A helper can control the horse's head while you teach it the commands from behind.

    • 2

      Introduce the horse to the cart when it is responsive to the commands during ground driving. Initially you can leave the cart out in the horse's paddock or pasture. When the horse is used to seeing the cart passively, bring the horse to the cart and move it around while an assistant holds the horse on a halter and lead rope. Repeat this process until the horse accepts the moving cart calmly.

    • 3

      Put a driving harness on the horse and back it into place between the shafts of the cart. Practice doing this until the horse will back into place and stand calmly.

    • 4

      Put the horse between the cart shafts and have one assistant lead it while others pull the cart behind it. Do not hitch the horse to the cart at this point. The idea it to get it used to the idea of having something moving behind it. If the horse spooks and the cart is attached, it could take off and get hurt or destroy the cart. Do this in an enclosed area like a fenced arena so the horse won't get far if it gets away.

    • 5

      When the horse accepts the cart moving behind it calmly, hitch it to the cart. Lead the horse around in the enclosed area as it pulls the cart until it accepts the weight moving behind it.

    • 6

      Hitch the horse to the cart in the enclosed area, and have an assistant at its head while you climb into the driver's seat. Give the horse the commands that it learned during the ground driving process. Continue this process until you are confident in the horse's responses.

    • 7

      Drive the horse outside of the enclosed area. It is now fully trained to pull a cart and you can begin to drive it in other areas.