How to Show an Arabian in English Pleasure

Showing horses is exciting, difficult and expensive. Years are spent perfecting the skills shown under saddle. Here we will give you some tips on how to show an Arabian in English Pleasure.

Things You'll Need

  • Trained Arabian
  • English cutback saddle and tack
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      Begin with a trained horse. Your mount must be able to walk, trot and canter on the correct leads. They must halt and back up and be soft on the bit.

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      Tack your horse with a cutback English saddle and a double bridle. Again, the horse must already be well broken-in before you can ride him English Pleasure.

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      English Pleasure judges the horse on flashy gaits that are collected and balanced. The overall picture is supposed to be one of effortless grace and pleasure, even though the act itself may be incredibly difficult.

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      The walk must be cadenced and balanced. The rear hoof needs to overstep the front hoof by 6 inches or more. The trot must be lofty and "bouncy," with high knee action and hock action. The canter must be rhythmic and utterly smooth; the gallop a controlled and flashy movement.

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      At all times the neck must be hinged loosely on the poll, with the face at--but not behind--the vertical. Ears should be pricked forward, and the overall impression of horse and rider should be one of effortless beauty, grace and utter control.