How to Trot a Figure Eight in a Dressage Pattern

Dressage is considered to be one of the most complex and difficult equestrian sports on the planet. It is a precise partnership between horse and rider, with the pair performing a series of complicated movements judged on accuracy. The figure eight is a standard dressage movement that every horse and rider must know how to perform in order to score well in the ring, and performing it well is key to a winning performance.

Things You'll Need

  • Horse
  • Ground markers
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    • 1

      Warm your horse up before attempting the figure eight. Walk, trot and canter the horse to allow his muscles a chance to warm and stretch properly prior to working on any difficult movements.

    • 2

      Walk the horse to the first ground marker. Ground markers are normally small orange cones spaced equal distances apart. The markers indicate where riders should start and stop movements during their ride, so pay close attention to them.

    • 3

      Squeeze the horse with your legs and ask the horse to trot forward. Keep the horse at a moderate pace to get the most from him during your performance.

    • 4

      Trot the first part of your figure eight as a well-rounded circle to the right. Your figure eight should consist of well-rounded circles rather than small ovals, since circles are much easier for a large horse to complete properly. Use your reins and legs to keep the horse’s nose tipped slightly to the inside of your circle which will place her neck and shoulders in the proper position to execute the turns.

    • 5

      Close your first circle and continue trotting another circle to the left. Guide the horse forward with your legs and hands, making sure her body stays supple and flexible throughout the turns.

    • 6

      Urge the horse forward with your legs. Some horses try to slow down while working a figure eight pattern, so driving the horse into the bit with your legs will keep him moving properly during your pattern.

    • 7

      Complete your final circle and ask the horse to stop once you’ve reached the middle of your figure eight. The figure eight should be even and well-executed for you and your horse to receive the maximum score for the trotting figure eight.