How to Teach a Foal to Trot in Hand

Foals are impressionable creatures. Like small children, they can be influenced for good or ill for the rest of their lives by the treatment you give them as youngsters. Teaching a foal how to trot in hand can be a bit tricky, but with patience and understanding, it can be done successfully.

Things You'll Need

  • Halter
  • Lead rope
  • Longe whip
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      Make sure that your foal knows how to lead at a walk, stop on command and has been handled enough that he will not be surprised when you ask something new from him.

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      Take the longe whip and show it to the foal. Allow her to sniff, lick or even bite it. She needs to explore it with her senses and not be terrified of it.

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      Ask the foal to lead next to you normally. As he is walking beside you on your right, take the longe line in your left hand and position it so that the tips is back and near the foal's rear end..

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      Encourage the foal to speed up by clucking to her, and begin running slowly. When the foal drags on the lead, use your whip to encourage her forward from the rear. Expect for her to bolt once he feels the pressure from behind. Be prepared to speed up yourself once the foal does.

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      Praise him as soon as he breaks into a trot. Only pull him down if he has tried to run, and it is important not to pull him down to a walk or a halt, but rather pull him down just enough so that he is trotting, then run beside him. It may take several tries and a lot of patience, but the foal will catch on quickly if you are consistent with your cues.