How to Teach a Foal to Be Groomed

Foals are a great deal like children. They are impressionable, generally eager to please, and easy to teach bad habits. Properly training a foal can be a real challenge, even to a professional horse person. Making sure they get a good start is a huge responsibility. This article will give you some tips on how to teach a foal to be groomed.

Things You'll Need

  • Brushes
  • Lead rope
  • Halter
  • Mane comb
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    • 1

      Make sure that your foal can lead and stand tied. You will not tie him for his first few grooming lessons, but he will need to stand tied after you have taught him there is nothing to fear.

    • 2

      Halter your foal and scratch and pet him. Use your voice and your body language to relax him and reinforce the pleasantness of being handled. Take the first body brush and allow the foal to smell, lip, and even bite it. The more the foal investigates the brush, the better.

    • 3

      Apply the body brush beginning at the foals neck and working backwards. Hold him with your left hand and apply the brush with your right. Drape the lead rope over your shoulder so it does not tangle in your feet. Expect the foal to move away from the brush and allow him to move, but follow with the brush and do not allow a break in the contact just because the foal is moving.

    • 4

      Continue to apply the brush until every inch of that side of the foal is groomed. Then switch sides. Expect the foal to treat the second side as if this was a whole new experience. Allow the foal to move, but be sure and praise him when he stands still as you groom him. Be generous with your patience and your praise.

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      Repeat these steps with the mane comb and any other grooming equipment you expect the foal to become used to. Keep the lesson short and sweet Always end on a good note. Once you have applied this lesson twice or three times, you may tie the foal and groom him.