How to Use a Stud Chain on a Stallion

Stallions are not for beginners. A breeding stallion is one of nature's finest examples of perfect libido wrapped up in muscle, bone and sheer focus. During breeding season, a stallion can be more than a handful, and it is often necessary to use a bit more force in handling them than at other times of the year. One method is to use a stud chain.

Things You'll Need

  • Stud chain
  • Lead rope with snap
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      Placing the chain properly is the first step. Most often, the chain needs to be snapped on the opposite side of the handler, at the link next to the horses eye. It is then run down, through the cheek link, then over the nose next to the halter nose band, through the cheek link closest to the handler, then to the lead rope. This applies pressure to the nose and is most often sufficient.

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      The chain can also be run under the chin in the same fashion as above, or doubled under the chin without being snapped to the link near the horse's eye. This applies pressure to the horse's chin, and can be quite severe.

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      Lastly, and not recommended, is to create a "warbridle" with the stud chain by running the chain over the top gums of the stallion rather than over the nose. This is only for expert horseman, as it can cause excruciating pain to the stallion and can also cause terrible damage to the horse's mouth.

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      When using a stud chain, always begin with the smallest amount of force and work upward. You do not want to come down with all your strength from the get-go. This will actually work against you, because it may cause the stallion to go directly into fight mode, as he will feel that his life is being threatened. You do not want a stallion seeing you as an enemy, no matter how many chains you have on him.

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      Always start with the mildest setup of the chain, and work up from that as well. Remember, the goal is to have the stallion work with you, not against you.