How to Train a Horse to Load

Trailering horses is by far one of the most dangerous, most difficult and most challenging experiences for the horse handler. Unfortunately, most horses have had a bad trailering experience, or have been manhandled into a trailer, so their reaction is usually one of fear and aggression. This article will give you some tips on how to train a horse to load into a trailer.

Things You'll Need

  • Thirty foot rope
  • Longe whip
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    • 1

      Begin by understanding you cannot force a horse to load. This article will not suggest that you tie, rope, snub, whip or otherwise manhandle a horse into loading onto a trailer. Too many horses have been loaded in this fashion, and it ruins them for future trailering.

    • 2

      Tie a long rope to the halter of your horse, then run the other end loosely through the ring at the front of the trailer, and bring it back to you where you are standing next to the horse's shoulder. You must remain calm throughout this time and not pull on the horse's head.

    • 3

      Form a triangle between the rope at the head of the horse, you at the shoulder of the horse, and your longe whip at the rear of the horse. The idea is this. You do not pull on your horse's head. You only keep the slack out of the line. Use your voice and the longe whip to gently encourage the horse forward. Do not allow him to go anywhere but forward.

    • 4

      Be prepared for the horse to test you. He will try to back up. Allow him enough slack so that he does not feel like he is tied, but do not allow him to back more than a few steps from the trailer before you apply pressure from the whip. You need to make his instinct work against him. He is a prey animal. He wants to move. Only allow him to move if he moves towards the trailer.

    • 5

      Use all the time you need. It may take five minutes or five hours. But the horse will load himself. Best of all, it will be completely non-violent, and the horse will have learned a priceless lesson that will translate into all his future loadings. Chances are, next time you load him, he will be a cinch.