* Standing: Within minutes of being born, a foal will attempt to stand. This is crucial for survival as it allows them to access their mother's milk and avoid predators.
* Nursing: Foals have an instinctive understanding of how to find and latch onto their mother's udder for milk.
* Walking: Within hours of birth, most foals are able to take their first wobbly steps. This natural ability helps them follow their mother and explore their surroundings.
* Social Behavior: Foals are born with a basic understanding of social cues and herd dynamics. They instinctively know to stay close to their mother and other members of the herd for safety.
* Flight Response: Horses have a strong flight response, meaning they are naturally inclined to run away from perceived threats. This instinct is essential for their survival in the wild.
* Sleeping: Foals have a unique sleep cycle, alternating between short periods of REM sleep and long periods of light sleep. This helps them stay aware of their surroundings while resting.
It's important to note that while these skills are instinctive, they still need to be refined through interaction with their mother and other horses.