How to Get Horse Experience

The horse industry is a highly specialized industry. Many trainers and handlers have years of experience working with horses. It can be difficult for a person with little or no experience to gain employment in the business. However, there are ways to obtain experience with horses, in order to prepare for an equestrian career or simply to develop your interests in a hobby.


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      Join a 4-H club as a member or volunteer. 4-H is a nationally-organized club with a presence in all 50 states. Typically, local 4-H clubs are facilitated by a cooperative extension through a university or college or by another equine program or association. While geared towards youth members, adults may also volunteer for a club to obtain experience with horses.

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      Volunteer at a local farm or stable. As a volunteer, you will probably handle basic tasks, such as cleaning stalls, feeding and watering. However, you will learn how to handle horses by observing employers and other trained professionals that interact with the animals on a daily basis. Gradually, you may move up the ladder -- provided work is available -- to a more specialized, paid position.

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      Attend a horse fair or show. Visit the different booths and panels to introduce yourself to horse owners and trainers. Explain that you are looking for entry-level work, such as grooming or cleaning stalls, to gain experience with horses. Some horse fairs may even have a special room or booth arranged for people seeking employment. Provide interested persons with a resume and references, if necessary.

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      Post an ad in a horse magazine or regional publication. Explain your skills, if any, related to horse training or grooming. Indicate the nature of the work, such as volunteer or paid, that you seek. Provide a phone number for interested readers to contact you.