How to Get a Horse to Work Off the Hind End

Whether you are teaching gaiting, reining, driving, barrel racing, roping or jumping, it is important for a horse to learn to work off its hind end. Building strength in the hindquarters and teaching the horse how to move properly using its back end will give the horse more strength and driving force in any forward movement. One of the best ways to improve a horse's forward movement off its hindquarters is to teach it to back up properly.


    • 1

      Stand the horse parallel to the arena fence. Sit straight in the saddle with your head up and eyes forward.

    • 2

      Pull back steadily and evenly with both reins while gently bumping the horse's sides with both feet.

    • 3

      Cluck with your tongue to encourage the horse to move back.

    • 4

      Back the horse slowly. Use your hands to gently encourage the horse to move backward by using its back end and lifting its weight off its front end.

    • 5

      Keep the horse straight. Be sure the horse is moving straight back by keeping even pressure on both sides with your legs and even pressure on its mouth with the reins.

    • 6

      Use the fence as a guide to keep the horse straight while backing. If the horse veers to the left, bump it with your left leg to straighten its path. If the horse veers to the right, direct it straight with your right leg.