How to Train Horses to Park

Parking, or parking out, showcases a horse's conformation and ground manners by stretching and extending its legs. Parking out also lowers the back and makes mounting easier for the rider. Gaited horse breeds usually learn to park out at an early age; gaited horse shows require this position for consideration in any halter class. While non-gaited breeds typically use this position less frequently, any breed of horse can learn to park out.

Things You'll Need

  • Rope halter
  • Long training stick or whip
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    • 1

      Halter the horse, and stand facing the horse, on its left side near the shoulder.

    • 2

      Position your left hand on the rope and pick up the training stick with your right hand.

    • 3

      Raise your left hand slightly in the air to lift the horse's head and begin tapping on the left pastern with the stick.

    • 4

      Remove the stick immediately when the horse lifts its leg or steps forward to reward the horse for the correct behavior.

    • 5

      Tap the left pastern again, and stop tapping immediately when the horse moves its hoof forward. Repeat this exercise until the horse steps forward on the left front leg while keeping its back legs in place.

    • 6

      Position the stick above the right pastern and tap until the horse steps forward with its right leg. Remove the stick as soon as the horse steps to give the horse a break from the pressure.

    • 7

      Tap the right pastern again until the horse's right pastern is in line with its left pastern. Leave the horse in position for a few seconds and then back the horse up a few steps to release the horse from the parked position.

    • 8

      Resume tapping again on the left front pastern to repeat the exercise.